Real Estate Appraisals in Greenville NC. How Long Do They Take?

A Greenville home appraisal is unique depending on the property, and completions vary based on the residential property. City and rural appraisals differ. Single-family homes take less time to appraise than multi-family properties, as multi-family properties tend to be larger. The appraiser usually has to coordinate tenant schedules to gain access to the property for the inspection.

The physical inspection of the real property being appraised can take from approximately fifteen minutes to several hours, depending upon the size and complexity involved. After the initial inspection of the property, the appraiser spends time touring through the neighborhood or area.

So the physical inspection itself can take about an hour, the report writing can take anywhere from one to five hours, depending on the complexity of the subject. Some appraisals are just so unique you have to leave it and go back to the data, attempting to compare for an accurate Greenville, North Carolina market values.

A residential appraisal has three components. First, the appraiser must physically visit and examine the home. Second, the appraiser must then search for recent sales of comparable homes in or near the neighborhood of the subject. Finally, the appraiser must create a report, justifying the home's value using detailed adjustments to the comparable sales. In most cases, appraisals can be delivered in two to seven days.

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