Is Your Greenville Real Estate Appraiser Old & Wise?

How old is too old to be a Real Estate Appraiser?


That is a question is not an easy one to answer. It is also likely that each individual appraiser can only provide their answer to the question. At 80, I am relatively healthy, and have no issues with mobility, climbing stairs, pulling a tape, or doing anything else that is generally required of a residential real estate appraiser. I am most fortunate in that I do not need any device to assist me, such as a cane, a walker, or an assistant to go with me and assist in doing any of the physical things an appraiser must do. I am smarter than I have ever been in my entire life, and use technology that I never dreamed about, even 20 years ago. Of course, some might not agree with that when they see the results of my opining. Be that as it may, my opinion of my work is that it would withstand the scrutiny of my peers. Others that I know, that have long since passed the half-century mark, are among the finest appraisers that I know and have ever known.


A friend, and former student, recently retired in early 2016 at the age of 90. He is a hero of World War II. He was a radio operator in Patton’s 3rd Army, 71st Division and was one of the Army Personnel that liberated a Nazi Death Camp known as Gunskirchen Lager in Austria. Bill was a VA Appraiser, healthy, and capable until retirement. I have met others, such as a Commercial Appraiser, in a class I taught a few years ago. He was 95 and considered an expert in his field. Read More


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